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BN 4258
BN C425 4258 was built by Alco as the SP&S 320 in May of 1966, the first of SP&S's second order of C425's numbered 320-327. SP&S had a total of 16 C425's, the others were built before this group. These eight were the last C425's SP&S received and were assigned to Vancouver, WA for maintenance.
After the March 1970 BN merger the sixteen C425's were renumbered to BN 4250-4265 with the SP&S 320 becoming the BN 4258. They remained assigned to the Northwest at Vancouver, WA.
On 7-7-70 I saw the unrenumbered SP&S 320 at Interbay in the ex-GN engine facility. It had not yet been renumbered to BN 4258.
My first photo of the BN 4258 was taken 8-17-78, eight years after the BN merger. It was at Argo yard on southbound train 139 with units 610/4258/6481 (F7A/C425/SD45):

I got another roster of the C425 showing the other side at Interbay 5-21-79:

The same day I photographed the 4258 being moved around at Interbay doing what Alcos are noted for doing as BN F9B 827 looks on.

11-13-79 was the last time I photographed a solid set of BN Alco's on a train, The 4258 led that days 139 out of Seattle for Vancouver, WA with units 4258/4364/4366/4192 (C425/C6363/C636/RS11) First photo is after having made a pickup at Argo, WA and starting to move.

And the same train 139 shown leaving Argo southbound.

Not long after this all of BN's Alco's were put into storage.
BN 4258 was retired 8/80 and found a new home on the Kyle RR in Kansas. Later it was sold to A&M for parts. It's history after this is somewhat hazy but info I have says the 4258 went to Bay Colony RR 2501, then to Seminole Gulf RR 550 and finally to Western New York and Pennsylvania RR 428. I am not sure how much of this is accurate but I hope to find out for certain sometime in the future.