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BN 168
BN 168 was built as SP&S SW9 44 in August of 1951. It was the second of three EMD SW9's numbered 43-45 that the SP&S ordered that year and was assigned to the Vancouver, WA and Portland, OR area.
After the March 1970 BN merger the SP&S 44 was renumbered to BN 168 and remained assigned to the ex-SP&S at Vancouver, WA. On a trip to Vancouver, WA on 4-28-73 I saw the 168 there working the yard wearing BN green.
On another trip through Vancouver, WA 5-12-79 I saw and photographed the 168 between assignments at Vancouver looked a bit tired by that time.

The next time I saw the BN 168 it was at Portland, OR 9-6-82 and marked as being in storage.