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BN 4360
BN 4360 was built as SP&S 330 in December of 1967. It was the first of six 3600 horsepower Alco C636's built for the SP&S numbered 330-335 in 12/67-1/68. All of SP&S's C636 were assigned to Vancouver, WA.
After the March 1970 BN merger the SP&S 330 was renumbered BN 4360 and remained assigned to Vancouver, WA.
It was painted green before 1974 as I photographed it on 3-23-74 north of Seattle, WA at Balmer Yard wearing green BN paint.

I photographed it again 8-2-77 in Seattle on a northbound BN freight train with units 4369/4360/2510, the last and first Alco C636 SP&S purchased.

My last photo of the BN 4360 was taken 12-27-78 at Interbay, a rear end roster shot of the C636 showing that the big Alco's could get pretty dirty and oily.