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BN 4244
BN C424 4244 was built by Alco as SP&S 304 in June of 1964. It was one of seven 2400 HP C424's built numbered 300-306 for the SP&S and worked out of Vancouver, WA.
With the March 1970 BN merger the SP&S 304 was renumbered BN 4244 and remained assigned to Vancouver, WA for maintenance.
I saw the BN 4244 frequently on the Seattle-Portland main line.
My first photo of it was at Interbay, WA on 12-5-74 which shows it in BN green paint.

On 11-13-78 I photographed it at South Seattle, WA leading BN train #138 with run through Western Pacific power. Locomotives are 4244/WP 3525/WP 3001/WP 2260 (C424/GP40/GP35/U23B).

And a roster photo of the BN 4244 at South Seattle 11-13-78. Note that the C424 is now classed by BN as an A424 by lettering on the front side sill. I never heard why the change but BN was getting C30-7's around this time so that may be a reason to avoid confusion with the GE's. At least until I hear something different.

The BN 4244 was later placed in storage at Portland, OR where I photographed it one last time on 5-3-80 beside fellow BN C424 4246.

The BN 4244 was retired by the BN 11/80 and was sent up to Tacoma, WA one last time for scrapping at J Simons and Sons.