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BN 4011
BN 4011 was a 1500 HP Alco C415 built for the Spokane Portland and Seattle Railway in December 1968 and numbered 101. It was the second of two built for the SP&S.
I can not find many photos of the 101 in service. This one is on
After the BN Merger it was numbered 4011 and remained assigned to the Vancouver, WA area. I first saw the 4011 at Portland, OR 11-26-71 and it was still in SP&S colors and parked by itself.
Later the BN 4011 was painted BN green and sometime after that I photographed it 3-8-79 on train #139 leaving Seattle in a consist of 626/4011/4362/1755 (F7A/C415/C636/GP9):

The 4011 was retired by BN in October 1980 and later sold to Ohio River Terminal in Huntingon, WV (along with C415 4010) where it worked for many years more, and returned to yellow paint!
And more interesting is a video I found online of the 4011 (and 4010) working in 1997!
It is great that you can hear how they sounded!
Here is a photo from RRPictureArchives of the 4011 and 4010 switching cars on 6-28-02 at Huntingdon.
By 2004 the 4010 was out of service but the 4011 still running. Shortly after the decision was made to try and sell the two C415's but no one was interested in buying them. The end came in July of 2005 when both were scrapped.