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BN 5716
BN U33C 5716 was built by GE as the NP 3301 in July of 1969 as the second unit of a 10 unit order numbered 3300-3309. I was at Easton on 11-1-69 when an extra west with units 3307/3301/3300/7001D arrived at 12:02 PM and headed up to Cabin Creek with some empty log flats before continuing to Auburn. No doubt I had to have been impressed with the chugging of the big new GE's as they went past! This train also had NP caboose 10417 on the rear.
In March 1970 the BN merger came along and the 3301 was renumbered BN 5716 keeping the NP colors for at least a couple of years before getting BN Cascade green paint. As the BN 5716 I first saw it on 8-10-70 leaving Auburn on an eastbound train. Power was all BN, the 6442/6439/5705/806/5716 (SD45/SD45/U33C/F9A/U33C) though the first three units were in GN colors while the 806 and 5716 were still in NP black and yellow. It must have seemed odd to me seeing former GN power leading a train east on the ex-NP out of Auburn!
Late in 1971 ex-NP U33C's 5715 and 5716 were equipped with Locotrol and assigned to Glendive for use on coal trains where they lasted until enough SD40-2's and U30C's were delivered to release them to the general freight pool. On May 31, 1979 I caught the BN 5716 on ex-GN territory at Skykomish, WA in the consist of a westbound headed for Seattle.

Besides the green paint the only big change is the red warning light has been removed and the opening plated over. More than a year later on 11-10-80 I caught the 5716 once more back on home turf at Auburn sitting north of the shop buildings. That is Highway 18 overhead.

Interesting to note Lincoln is now shown as its assigned maintenance base.
The trail of the 5716 goes cold after that. Interesting to note that I saw ex-NP U33C's 5719 and 5722 in storage at Pasco, WA in 1982. I have the feeling the 5716 was in storage at Livingston, MT. In July 1984 (15 years after being built) the last nine remaining ex-NP U33C's (BN 5720 had been wrecked and was off the roster in 1978) were officially retired and went to PNC in September of that same year and no doubt all were scrapped.