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BN 5672
BN 5672 was built in May 1966 as Northern Pacific 2806, one of twelve 2800 HP GE's built in 1966 and numbered 2800-2811.
I was at Easton, WA 11-1-69 when westbound NP train #603 with units 3618/2806/2800 arrived and stopped to pick up an F9B to assist it over Stampede Pass. That was my first and only sighting of the NP 2806.
After the 1970 BN merger the NP 2806 was renumbered BN 5672. I saw a a number of ex-NP U28C's in the Western Washington during 1970-1971 but the 5672 was not among them. By 1973 ex-NP U28C's 5669-5677 were assigned to Lincoln, NE so they rarely ventured back to Washington State. Here is a photo of the U28C 5672 still in NP colors from Charles Beal's
It was August 8, 1979 when I first saw the BN 5672 and it was out in the open at Interbay Yard on a sunny day, in BN green by then.

Note that the power set is 5672/6425/6426/6812 Three ex-NP units as the 6425 and 6426 are ex-NP SD45's 3625 and 3626. And here is a roster of U28C 5672, the ex-NP 2806, taken on the same day at Interbay.

BN 5672 was retired in November 1981 and like the other ex-NP U-boats scrapped.