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BN 6421
BN 6421 came from Northern Pacific's third order of SD45's 3620-3629 and was built in April of 1968 as the NP 3621. Checking my NP SD45 roster I have the 3621 checked off after seeing it on 8-13-68 leading train #640 out of Auburn. The consist that day was 3621/2504/2807/333 (SD45/U25C/U28C/GP9) which was pretty much the standard lashup NP ran over Stampede Pass in the late 60's.
After the BN merger the 3621 became the BN 6421. On 9-25-71 I was riding a BN passenger special to Leavenworth and we passed a westbound at Baring with the 5738/5730/6421/668 (U33C/U33C/SD45/F7A) and I noted the 6421 was still in NP's yellow and black.
Later after getting a coat of green paint I first photographed the BN 6421 at Interbay on 5-7-79.

The SD45 has gone through a number of changes since its NP years. While the extra cab windows are still there the Pyle light on the nose has been removed. Not even a notch has been left! Something else noted missing is the NP's snowplow. Looks kind of blank now.
A few weeks later on 5-31-79 I was on the ex-GN Stevens Pass line photographing trains and followed the 6421 East up the west slopes to the Cascade tunnel. Here is a photo of train #88 with units 6421/C&S 870/6470/MILW 196/6426/6321 just west of Skykomish, WA.

Also of note in the lashup is the Milwaukee Road SD40-2 196 and 6426, another former NP SD45 from the same order as the 6421. In this photo the 6421 is in the siding at Skykomish as the helpers on a westbound pass by. The middle unit on the helper is BN F9A 804, another former NP unit.

This was the last time I would photograph the 6421. It lasted on the BN roster another seven years until it was retired 12/86 and was then sold for scrap.