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BN 1907
BN GP9 1907 was built as the NP 322 in August of 1957 from an order numbered 317-344. Of these the 321-328 were assigned to the St Paul Division. There is a photo of the 322 in service on a local in the NP Pictorial Vol 2 page 19 which shows it having a snowplow while some of the other St Paul assigned GP9's did not.
After the March 1970 BN merger the NP 322 was renumbered BN 1907 and assigned to Dilworth Kevin Piper has a photo of the BN 1907 in NP paint at Duluth, MN 8-21-71 in his collection showing it wore the early NP scheme at the time of the BN merger.

Kevin Piper collection
Another from Kevin's collection has the BN 1907 in BN green at Minneapolis, MN 5-30-81

Kevin Piper collection
Note that is still has a plow in both photos. BN retired the 1907 in December 1985 After that the 1907 was rebuilt with a chopped nose and went on to many different operations starting with CAGX. A great photo from shows the CAGX 1907 in fresh blue paint at the ConAgra plant in Sandts Eddy, PA 3-1-86:
After CAGX the 1907 went on to BLDX, LVR and finally the CCRR where it sits in rusting storage at Lebanon, NH today, still in the blue it wore back in 1986. Other photos of the 1907 can be found on rrpicturearchives: