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BN 1904
BN GP9 1904 was built as the NP 319 in August of 1957.
The NP 319 was from a group of GP9's numbered 317-344 and all of these were intended for branch line and transfer service so none were equipped with dynamic brakes. During 1969 the 319 was noted as being assigned to the Fargo Division.
After the March 1970 BN merger the NP 319 was renumbered BN 1904 and was assigned to Glendive, MT for maintenance.
The only photo of the BN 1904 I could find was provided by D.L. Zeutschel who has allowed its use here. Photographed at Dicknson, ND on 10-3-80:

used with permission
At the startup of MRL in October 1987 the BN 1904 was included in the spin-off of the ex-NP route from Sandpoint, ID to Jones Jct, MT.. Early in 1988 MRL was having GP9's 1725 and 1904 shipped to Glendive, MT for work when both were wrecked on the BN at Marsh, MT 1-7-88 and retired. As replacements BN sent the MRL GP9's 1717 and 1897. The 1904 was scrapped at Glendive.