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BN 1706
The second group of GP9's NP purchased after 200-203 were numbered 204-217 and were delivered to the railroad in the early months of 1955. The 204-213 were equipped with dynamic brakes for use in mountainous territory. In 1969 the 206 along with the 205, 207, 209-212 were assigned to the Rocky Mountain Division and maintained at Livingston, MT. To date I have yet to find any photos of the NP 206 and never did see it before the BN merger so do not know if was ever repainted into the simplified scheme.
After the merger of March 1970 the NP 206 was renumbered to BN 1706 and continued to be assigned to Livingston. 11 years after the BN merger I was at Paradise, MT on 4-6-81 and saw BN 1706 for the first time working the Paradise Local. Here it sits in the yard that morning before heading west on 4-6-81 behind BN GP9 1717.

Note the 1706 is still assigned to Livingston.
A photo exists of the BN 1706 at Saginaw, TX taken in 1990 by Don Ross.
In March of 1993 the 1706 was rebuilt to BN GP28P 1590 and after the BNSF merger was re-lettered BNSF 1590. To date it still painted in BN green. I have no photos of the 1590 lettered for BN or BNSF but there are images on RR Picture Archives.
The BNSF 1590 appears to be assigned to Northtown, MN and as I will be back there in July I will have to keep a lookout for it.