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BN 826
BN F9A 826 was built by EMD in October of 1954 as the NP 7006D being part of a four unit A-B-B-A set and assigned to the Rocky Mountain Division at Livingston, MT. While I did see a number of NP F9A's at Easton and Auburn, WA before the BN merger the 7006D was not one of them.
After the March 1970 it was renumbered BN 826 and up to 1972 remained assigned to Livingston. By 1973 it was reassigned east to Minneapolis Jct and then to Grand Forks.
My first sighting of the BN 826 was on 3-18-72 at Vancouver, WA still in NP paint. My first photo of it was taken 10-5-78 at Auburn, WA.

Note that it still has its NP F9 plate under the window attached. Here is a photo from the other side taken at Interbay on 7-16-79 and the F9 plate is still intact on this side!

On May 3, 1980 I was at Vancouver, WA and photographed train #146 with 826/821/6800/704 heading north for Seattle. This was just 15 days before the Mt St Helens eruption on 5-18-80.

Time ran out for BN's F-units by 1982 and the 826 was retired 10/82 and sent to GE as trade-in credit. There is no further info on the 826 and it stands to reason it was probably scrapped.