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BN 735
BN F7B 735 was built as NP 6014C in May of 1951 as part of a four unit A-B-B-A F7 set numbered 6014A-B-C-D This was the second NP F-unit to carry this number as there was an NP F3B that originally carried the number 6014C until it was renumbered to 6003C in 1950.
After delivery the four unit 6014 set broke in at Livingston and after a month was transferred to the Tacoma Division.
And checking my notes I did see the 6014C just before the BN merger on 2-21-70. It was in a power set of 284/239/6016C/6014C/6017D (GP9/GP9/F7B/F7B/F7A) at Auburn, WA.
After the March 1970 BN merger the NP 6014C was renumbered to BN 735 and was assigned to Auburn, WA. It kept the NP paint for many years as seen in this rrpicturearchives photo from 9-13-74 at Yakima, WA:
By the time I photographed the 735 in 1977 it had been painted BN green. I photographed it 2-18-77 at Auburn, WA on the Everett Turn with units 738/735/724 (F7A/F7B/F7A)

On 6-3-80 I caught the 735 working Crew 3 at Interbay, WA with units 838/735/1426 F9A/F7B/GP7u)

The next month the 735 was in storage at Auburn when I photographed it the morning of 7-7-80. Units 702/753/735/704 were coupled up in an A-B-B-A set at the south end of Auburn yard where they sat awaiting their fate.

My last photo of the 735 was taken 8-24-80 but in the afternoon where I was able to photograph the other side of the F7B.

The BN 735 was officially retired by BN in November 1981 and sent to General Metals at Tacoma the next month where it was to be scrapped.