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BN 752
BN F7A 752 was built as the NP 6019A in December of 1951.
The 6019 set and the 6020 set were the last A-B-B-A sets of F7's the NP purchased. Both sets were ordered in May 1951. By 1956 all the F7's were assigned to the Yellowstone division and by 1957 all were assigned to the Rocky Mountain Division.
I saw the NP 6019A once before the BN merger and that was in the yard at Auburn, WA 9-19-68.
After the 1970 BN merger the NP 6019A was renumbered to BN 752 and reassigned from Livingston to Auburn, WA.
I first saw the 752 at Easton on a westbound 4-25-71 with units 752/765/757/1914/1631 (F7A/F7B/F7B/GP9/GP7) All were still in NP colors.
Less than a week later on April 30, 1971 the 752 is noted in the Easton OS book leading another westbound towards Auburn.

I got my first photo of the 752 at Auburn on 5-18-75, still in NP paint.
Here is a great photo of the 752 at Pasco, WA 8-31-75 with the F7A still in NP colors from the trainpix website.
The 752 was probably painted green not long after. Here it is at Auburn on 7-21-78 in BN green. Note that the nose stripes extend up through the upper headlight.

A couple of months later I photographed the 752 leading southbound #675 with units 752/708/1922 through Tacoma, WA 9-19-78.

Here is the other side of the 752, again at Auburn on 11-11-78 in a consist of 752/1627/1919/732/845/831/1724 (F7A/GP7/GP7/F7A/F9B/F9B/GP9).

The 1724 would later that evening leave Auburn eastbound on a Cle Elum Turn going through Easton at 9:08 PM and head back to Auburn as the 752 West going through Easton at 10:45 PM.
On 2-14-79 I caught the 752 at Interbay on an overcast day in the company of C425 4260.

The 752 was back at Auburn 3-23-80 when I photographed it at the locomotive facility.

My first thought when seeing that open nose door was "open wide and say aah".
On 4-30-80 I caught this interesting lineup at Auburn. Four Southern Pacific GP40X's were testing on Stampede Pass and here they are in the company of GP30 2227 and F7A 752.

Here is one last photo of the BN 752 at Auburn, WA 3-1-81. This would be my last photo of the 752 on the BN.

The 752 was retired in November of 1981 and sold to Cadillac and Lake City the next month as was F7A 716, a former SP&S unit.. Both were soon moved to Kansas. On a trip to Wichita in 1982 I stopped by Goodland, KS 6-29-82 and found the C&LC 752 under rather harsh sunlight but still had to get a few photos. Front on nose shot.

And one more from the side.

The 752 was later sold once again to the Colorado and Eastern. This photo from rrpicturearchives was taken at Colorado Springs, CO in 1985.
There is no known info on the 752 after this. One report had it going to a dinner train with the 716 but that F7A turned out to be a former CNW F7A, not the 752 which sad to say, may have been scrapped.