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BN 1530
BN GP7 1530 was built as the GN 630 in May of 1951 and delivered in the GN Empire Builder scheme which it kept up to the BN merger. The GN 630 was assigned to Lines West - Montana Division at Havre, MT.
After the March 1970 BN merger the GN 630 was renumbered BN 1530 and remained assigned to Havre, MT.
I never saw or photographed the BN 1530 but I have purchased two slides of the 1530 on eBay. First is this taken at Havre, MT 6-2-73.

Brian Ambrose collection
And the other is at Great Falls, MT 9-28-74.

Brian Ambrose collection
The BN 1530 was retired 10-1-82 and sold for scrap that same month.