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BN 3006
BN 3006 was built as CB&Q GP40 176 in December of 1966. It was one of twenty 3000 HP EMD GP40's numbered 170-189, all built in 1966 for the Burlington Route who later ordered 20 more GP40's in 1968.
While I never saw the CB&Q 176, Hol Wagner did and was kind enough to share a couple of his photos taken around Denver in 1969 for use in this update. Thanks Hol!

Used with Permission
After the 1970 BN merger the CB&Q 176 became the BN 3006. In Hol Wagners 1973 BN Annual it is noted that all the GP40's were assigned to Clyde in the Chicago Region. The 3000-3039 were still assigned to Chicago into the mid-1970's and probably beyond.
First time I saw the 3006 was on 10-30-78 when it came into Seattle on train #43 led by the 3006/3022/6249 (2 GP40/SD24).
And the first time I photographed the 3006 was 11-1-78 at Tacoma , WA on train 2-148 with units 3006/3022.

Ten years later BN had a number of their GP40's rebuilt, including the 3006 which emerged as GP40M 3500 in October of 1988. (The M stands for MK where it was rebuilt).
Here is the 3500 on an eastbound BN freight at Avon, MT on the MRL 9-17-93.

The 3500 even took part in the rebuilding of the Stampede Pass line seen here on a work train arriving at Yakima, WA 8-13-96 after a day of working around Thrall, WA.

After the BNSF merger the 3500 was renumbered to BNSF 3000. It was not until September of 2010 that I first photographed the 3000 at Everett, WA on 9-23-10. Note the Remote Control stickers. BNSF now considers it a GP40-2.

I photographed it one more time in Everett on 9-29-10 on a much nicer day.

Even though that was the last time I saw or photographed the 3000 it still remains at Everett, WA in 2015 working an RCL yard job.