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BN 2232
Back on Sunday, 2-21-10 I photographed BNSF Crew 4 arriving at Tacoma, WA. The trailing locomotive was BNSF GP39M 2826 still in BN green. I was not sure if I had photographed it before I took a few pics just in case.

After arriving home I did a bit of research and discovered the 2826 was rebuilt from BN GP30 2232 which I knew I had also photographed. On 4-1-80 I caught it at Interbay waiting to be serviced.

A few years later it led BN train #139 out of Seattle 1-29-82 on a very dark and overcast day. I usually did not take many photos on cloudy days but the power set of BN 2232/2231/1627/1728/1843 (2 GP30/GP7/2 GP9) was no doubt interesting enough for a photo.

The 2232 was originally built for the CB&Q as GP30 955 in May of 1962 and worked in mainline service on the Burlington. After the 1970 BN merger it was assigned number 2232 and spent much of it's BN years assigned to the Northwest before being rebuilt by MK in 1989 when it emerged as BN GP39M 2826 in 1989. After the BNSF merger it was then relettered BNSF 2826.
Kind of a coincidence, on my way home from work tonight I passed the Renton Boeing plant near home I noticed the Renton local about to head back to Seattle with BNSF 2826/2870 up front. Even though it was raining I thought it was still worthy of a few photos.

I was glad I had photographed the BN 2232 on train #139 back in 1982 so it stands to reason the same for BNSF 2826 when I look back on these photos 30 years down the road, Lord willing I am still around!