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BN 5374
BN 5379 was built by GE in November of 1974.
BN ordered thirty new 3000 HP U30C's for delivery in 1974 intended for use on the growing coal train traffic BN was experiencing during the 70's. The U30C's were numbered 5365-5394 and after delivery, all thirty were assigned to Alliance, NE.
I first saw the BN 5379 on 6-18-80 at Interbay, WA after it had arrived on a westbound trailing SD40-2 6818. It was unusual to see it not working in coal service. I also photographed it the same day, both front and rear rosters.

The thirty U30C's from this order remained intact on the BN roster until the 5368 and 5370 were retired in December of 1990. By 1993 only eighteen of the original thirty were still on the BN roster and those eighteen were still assigned to Alliance. In 1994 only twelve remained (5383 was donated to the Illinois RR museum that year) Five more were retired in 1995 leaving seven on the BN roster. And by 1996 these last U30C's, including the 5379 were retired and scrapped.