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BN 9656
BN 9656 was part of BN's last order of SD70MAC's before the BNSF merger took place. It carries builders number 945565-85 and was built September 1995.
As I don't have any photos of the BN 9656 myself, there are some on RRPA that can be found here:
After the BNSF merger the SD70MAC was relettered BNSF 9656 on 12-12-03 and lost the BN heralds and lettering but received a larger BNSF on the cab sides plus a spiffy circular BNSF herald on the nose.
An afternoon on ex-NP's Stampede Pass 10-08-12 turned up an eastbound grain empty with BNSF 9656 leading a three unit set of Executive (Grinstein) SD70MAC's, see here climbing the hill towards Stampede Tunnel.

A short while later I arrived at Easton, WA in time to photograph the train heading east through the small mountain town, at a very slow speed after stopping at a red block to the west.

As can be seen, the pinstriping on the side has faded somewhat over the years.
But considering the 9656 is over 17 years old, the paint job still looks great compared to some BNSF locomotives that are newer.