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BN 9650
BN SD70MAC 9650 was built by EMD in August of 1995 for coal train service. I was unable to find any photos of the BN 9650 online so will go directly to the time after the BNSF merger.
BN 9650 was not relettered to BNSF 9650 until November 2003. At that time the BN emblems were removed and a circular BNSF emblem added to the front of the SD70MAC and BNSF to the cab side.
On 9-8-21 I photographed the 9650 for the first time at Argo, WA just south of Seattle. Sun angle was decent enough for photos from both ends. It was not being used in coal service at this time but intermodal.

With many SD70MAC's leaving the BNSF roster nice to find one in service in 2021 and still in Grinstein green.