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BN 2150
BN GP38-2 2150 was built 6/80 by EMD and produced 2000 HP.
It was one of five numbered 2150-2154 built for the Fort Worth and Denver in June of 1980 but all wore BN green and had FW&D sublettering. All five were assigned to the FW&D until officially merged into the BN on 12-31-81. At that time the FW&D sublettering was removed and they pretty much looked like all the other BN GP38-2's.
By 1991 all five were assigned to the Seattle area at Interbay.
My first photo of the BN 2150 was taken at Hauser Yard in Idaho east of Spokane on the ex-NP on a snowy 1-12-92.

Later on 11-23-93 I photographed the 2150 at West Seattle, WA on a much nicer day.

After the BNSF merger the 2150 was renumbered BNSF 2371 and soon repainted into H1 paint. Last photos show it at Clovis, NM and still in H1 paint.