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BN 2106
On June 12, 2010 I spent the day at Pasco, WA and photographed this BNSF GP38-2 between assignments. By the number I knew it was a former BN unit.
The 2106 was built as the BN 2106 in November of 1974, 4 years after the BN merger. It came from the group numbered 2088-2109 all delivered in 1974. Of these the 2102-2109 were assigned to Vancouver, WA so I was able to see the 2106 numerous times in the Seattle area. First time was on 12-8-74 in the consist of train #139 at Auburn, WA led by 4369/2104/2106/2208/6559/6641 (C636/GP38-2/GP38-2/GP30/SD45/F45) Both the 2104 and 2106 were brand new. Its assignment to the PNW must have been pretty short as I never did get any photos of it before 1995 when BN, or after the BNSF merger until it was repainted in the new image colors earlier this year. In fact the 1993 BN annual shows it was assigned to Northtown, MN. So while I never did get to photograph the 2106 in BN green other people did and RR Picture Archives has a few, some of which also gives good information. looks like the 2106 was lettered for BN up into 2008, as a photo taken in January 2008 shows. In a later photo taken 8-20-08 the 2106 now has small BNSF lettering on it. The 2106 is later shown at Tacoma, WA 1-4-09 still in BN green paint. In the next photo of it taken in April of 2010 it is wearing BNSF orange and green colors.
After getting its new paint the 2106 has remained in the PNW and happened to be in Pasco the day I was there.

I guess one of the best things about the 2106 is that it has kept its BN heritage as far as the headlight goes as it was not relocated to the nose which was the Santa Fe style. The headlight is still up between the numberboards where it should be. I don't know how long the BNSF 2106 will stay in this area but at least I know I finally got a few photos of it before it disappears again.